Consultation: | Global Greens Congress Korea 2023 |
Proposer: | Green Party of England and Wales |
Status: | Modified |
History: |
R35: Support for West Papuan Indigenous Rights & Biodiversity
Resolution text
West Papuans have experienced over 50 years of human rights abuses at the hands
of the Indonesian Government and are seeing the destruction of one of the
largest and most biodiverse rainforests in the world.
The people of West Papua have been struggling for freedom from Indonesia’s
colonial occupation since 1963.
Hundreds of thousands of West Papuan civilians have been killed by Indonesia’s
military. Thousands more have been raped, tortured or forcibly disappeared.
Racism and discrimination are a daily reality and basic human rights including
freedom of speech are outlawed. There are hundreds of West Papuan political
prisoners serving lengthy terms for the ‘crime’ of peacefully expressing
The Indonesian Government have banned international media and human rights
organisations from operating in West Papua, ensuring that news about what is
happening rarely reaches the outside world.
Gold and copper mining, oil and gas extraction, palm oil plantations, highway
development projects, and tourism, promoted and permitted under Indonesian
colonial rule, are destroying West Papua’s natural environment and contributing
to global climate collapse.
West Papuans should have green governance of their land based on environmental
and social protection, indigenous environmental management and respect for the
natural world. This new social order will restore and protect the environment
and maintain balance and harmony in and amongst people and the environment. West
Papuans intend to sustainably manage New Guinea’s rainforests and its
biodiversity for the good of the global community.
Nevertheless, it is ultimately for the West Papuans to decide how to proceed
with any green governance as part of their rights to self-determination, and how
to involve as many West Papuans as possible in every step of the process.
Operative Text:
This Global Greens Congress:
- Supports solutions coming from indigenous people in West Papua to address
the climate emergency.
- Supports West Papuans in their fight against human rights abuses by the
Indonesian Government.
- Supports West Papuans’ right to self-determination, acknowledging that
under the UN Charter this right is based on the fact they are currently a
persecuted indigenous people
- Supports West Papuans to create their own vision for green governance.
Background Text:
Reference documents:
- UN renew calls seeking access to West Papua -
- Bellingcat report into the Indonesian Government’s use of social media
bots to seed disinformation on West Papua -
- Free West Papua information leaflet -
- The West Papuans’ campaign for self determination is supported by many
groups and individuals including politicians and lawyers. Support includes
- Global Justice Now
- Indigenous Environmental Network
- No White Saviors (Uganda)
- Stop Ecocide International
- Students Organising for Sustainability International
- Extinction Rebellion (UK, Mexico, Africa, Australia, Ireland, Argentina)
- Free West Papua Campaign (UK)
- West Papua Action Aotearoa
- Merdeka: West Papua Support Network
- International Lawyers for West Papua (ILWP)
- West Papua Support Dunedin (Aotearoa New Zealand)
- Rettet die Naturvölker e.V. - RdN (Friends of People Close to Nature)
- Save America's Forests
- Youth Advocates for Climate Action Philippines
- Alliance for Future Generations – Fiji
- Fridays For Future Scotland
- Ian Soutar
- Cathy Peters
- Ryan McNaughton (Scottish Greens)
- Hon Dr Frank Habineza