R39: Biodiversity Merged Resolution: We are Nature and Nature is us (and Green)
Consultation: | Global Greens Congress Korea 2023 |
Proposer: | Asia Pacific Greens Federation Council; Pacific Greens Network; Global Greens First Indigenous Nations Network; Green Party Papua New Guinea; Sarekat Hijau Indonesia (SHI); Nepali Greens; Greens Japan; Partido Verde Ecologista de México; Green Party of Canada; Europe Ecologie Les Verts (France) |
Status: | Modified |
Submitted: | 25/05/2023, 15:37 |
History: | Version 1(25/05/2023) |
Raul Guzman:
R4 https://global-greens.discuss.green/congress-2023/halting-biodiversity-loss-10974
R29 https://global-greens.discuss.green/congress-2023/biological-corridor-65098
R36 https://global-greens.discuss.green/congress-2023/We-are-Nature-and-Nature-is-us-and-Green-59772
Ricky Rikiya Adachi:
Bodil Valero:
Ricky Rikiya Adachi:
We sent a series of amendments, opinions and questions at the same time, and only 2 of them were reflected and the others were ignored, without notice again, sadly speaking.
So once again, we write down what we sent and you missed, which are vital points for us and originally meant in R29.
I hope there’s no third time.
(The reason No.8 and N0.9) Will these recommendations confuse the readers? We thought this section was for the reasons, not recommendations.
No.8 - does not seem to have an international collaborative effort, rather a regional ones. This does not reflect the Biological corridor principles.
No. 9 - can we replace the Biodiversity Working Group to the Biological Corridor Working Group. The latter emphasizes on the transboundary efforts, and global cooperation we need from the Greens.