R18: Restructuring foreign debt
Consultation: | Global Greens Congress Korea 2023 |
Proposer: | Partido Verde Argentina |
Status: | Modified |
Submitted: | 06/05/2023, 21:20 |
History: | Version 1(06/05/2023) |
Consultation: | Global Greens Congress Korea 2023 |
Proposer: | Partido Verde Argentina |
Status: | Modified |
Submitted: | 06/05/2023, 21:20 |
History: | Version 1(06/05/2023) Version 1 |
The Global Greens support the reconversion of the foreign debt of Argentina, based not only on financial criteria, but also considering climate and environmental needs, for the compliance of the Paris Agreement and the 2030 Agenda.
El Partido Verde de la República Argentina propone una resolución para la
reconversión de la deuda externa de la República Argentina a partir de un nuevo
imperativo financiero y económico, el Imperativo Climático y Ambiental,
alineados al cumplimiento del Acuerdo de Paris y a la Agenda 2030.
El Partido Verde de la República Argentina propone una resolución para la reconversión de la deuda externa de la República Argentina a partir de un nuevo imperativo financiero y económico, el Imperativo Climático y Ambiental, alineados al cumplimiento del Acuerdo de Paris y a la Agenda 2030.
Creemos que es el momento para presentar una nueva propuesta de negociación,
respecto del pago de la deuda, teniendo como referencia el canje de desembolsos,
por proyectos concretos en producción de energías alternativas y saneamientos
ambientales. Y que es absolutamente necesario incluir en los fundamentos
técnicos, no solo los de tipo económico–financieros, sino en el mismo nivel de
importancia, los fundamentos de lucha contra el cambio climático y para ello
necesitamos el apoyo de los Partidos Verdes a nivel global.
Creemos que es el momento para presentar una nueva propuesta de negociación, respecto del pago de la deuda, teniendo como referencia el canje de desembolsos, por proyectos concretos en producción de energías alternativas y saneamientos ambientales. Y que es absolutamente necesario incluir en los fundamentos técnicos, no solo los de tipo económico–financieros, sino en el mismo nivel de importancia, los fundamentos de lucha contra el cambio climático y para ello necesitamos el apoyo de los Partidos Verdes a nivel global.
Teniendo en cuenta que:
Teniendo en cuenta que:
Sabemos que la deuda externa, en las actuales condiciones ambientales, sociales
y económicas de la Argentina no es pagable.
Sabemos que la deuda externa, en las actuales condiciones ambientales, sociales y económicas de la Argentina no es pagable.
El crédito acordado a la Argentina por el Fondo Monetario Internacional, que
constituye el origen de una especulación en espiral ascendente, que se reitera
en numerosos países en desarrollo endeudados y redundó en la omisión del deber
de conservar y dar un uso racional a la naturaleza en beneficio de las
generaciones futuras, con el agravante de que fue factor de destrucción de
bosques, contaminación y aceleración del calentamiento global.
El crédito acordado a la Argentina por el Fondo Monetario Internacional, que constituye el origen de una especulación en espiral ascendente, que se reitera en numerosos países en desarrollo endeudados y redundó en la omisión del deber de conservar y dar un uso racional a la naturaleza en beneficio de las generaciones futuras, con el agravante de que fue factor de destrucción de bosques, contaminación y aceleración del calentamiento global.
Invertir en la protección de nuestros ecosistemas debe ser la prioridad para
garantizar los beneficios de nuestros bienes naturales para nuestro pueblo en el
combate contra la pobreza, aumentar la resiliencia frente a los desastres
naturales, hacer sostenible nuestros compromisos externos y garantizarnos el
acceso al crédito.
Invertir en la protección de nuestros ecosistemas debe ser la prioridad para garantizar los beneficios de nuestros bienes naturales para nuestro pueblo en el combate contra la pobreza, aumentar la resiliencia frente a los desastres naturales, hacer sostenible nuestros compromisos externos y garantizarnos el acceso al crédito.
Existe un esquema posible de renegociación de deuda sobre bases ambientales.
Argentina puede recomprar indirectamente su deuda con activos denominados en
moneda local, a través del patrocinio de programas de conversión con terceros
que disponen de divisas.
Existe un esquema posible de renegociación de deuda sobre bases ambientales. Argentina puede recomprar indirectamente su deuda con activos denominados en moneda local, a través del patrocinio de programas de conversión con terceros que disponen de divisas.
La lucha contra el cambio climático requiere justicia y equidad de acreedores y
La lucha contra el cambio climático requiere justicia y equidad de acreedores y deudores.
Es indudable que el mundo y nosotros necesitamos crear una respuesta de fondo,
radical, hacia un desarrollo social y económico equitativo, viable y
ambientalmente sostenible, en línea con la respuesta ante el mayor desafío de la
humanidad, que es la lucha contra el cambio climático.
Es indudable que el mundo y nosotros necesitamos crear una respuesta de fondo, radical, hacia un desarrollo social y económico equitativo, viable y ambientalmente sostenible, en línea con la respuesta ante el mayor desafío de la humanidad, que es la lucha contra el cambio climático.
Por todo lo expuesto es que solicitamos el apoyo de los Partidos Verdes a nivel
global para exigir que se considere el mecanismo de Reconversión Verde de la
deuda externa a fin de apalancar el desarrollo sostenible de la Argentina,
modificando su matriz energética, la transformación sustentable de la
agricultura y la ganadería, el acceso universal al agua potable y el
saneamiento, la recuperación de la masa forestal perdida y el apoyo a la
industrialización en sectores que garanticen la sustentabilidad de la
productividad para seguir creando riqueza para nuestro pueblo, alineados con los
compromisos asumidos en el Acuerdo de Paris y en la agenda 2030.
Por todo lo expuesto es que solicitamos el apoyo de los Partidos Verdes a nivel global para exigir que se considere el mecanismo de Reconversión Verde de la deuda externa a fin de apalancar el desarrollo sostenible de la Argentina, modificando su matriz energética, la transformación sustentable de la agricultura y la ganadería, el acceso universal al agua potable y el saneamiento, la recuperación de la masa forestal perdida y el apoyo a la industrialización en sectores que garanticen la sustentabilidad de la productividad para seguir creando riqueza para nuestro pueblo, alineados con los compromisos asumidos en el Acuerdo de Paris y en la agenda 2030.
The Green Party of the Argentine Republic proposes a resolution for the
reconversion of the foreign debt of the Argentine Republic based on a new
financial and economic imperative, the Climate and Environmental Imperative,
aligned with compliance with the Paris Agreement and the 2030 Agenda.
We believe that it is time to present a new negotiation proposal, regarding the
payment of the debt, having as a reference the exchange of disbursements, for
specific projects in the production of alternative energies and environmental
sanitation. And that it is absolutely necessary to include in the technical
foundations, not only those of an economic-financial nature, but at the same
level of importance, the foundations of the fight against climate change and for
this we need the support of the Green Parties at a global level.
Taking into account that:
Argentina and the planet is in a state of environmental and climatic emergency.
The "environmental emergency" is not a metaphor, it is felt, seen and, above
all, millions of people suffer it in the form of floods, droughts, fires, air
pollution and water courses, which make children sick and girls and people with
fewer resources. Also the lack of sewers and drinking water suffered by millions
of Argentines, throughout the country, affect their health and quality of life.
Argentina has historical levels of poverty. According to the National Institute
of Statistics and Censuses (Indec) INDEC in the second semester of last year,
poverty was 39.2% and indigence 8.1%. These percentages imply that in Argentina
there are 18,679,605 poor and 3,859,816 million indigent; This figure arises
from an extrapolation of the number of urban conglomerates registered by INDEC
to the entire country and allows a more precise measurement of the phenomenon of
poverty in areas not covered by official statistics. Which indicates that at
this moment we are over 50% of Argentines immersed in poverty, in a country that
is around 10% monthly inflation.
The protection of forests, essential to face the consequences of climate change,
does not have the budget assigned by law, governments successively fail to
comply with environmental laws. The result is that Argentina holds the 9th
position among the 234 countries that take the least care of their forests,
according to the index published by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the
United Nations. The loss of our forests and wetlands mainly at the hands of the
growing soybean production and the expansion of livestock and real estate, with
record fires in the country, which consumed more than 450,000 hectares in 14
provinces and emitted 3,427,563 tons of CO2.
Our country is strongly affected by the consequences of Climate Change due to
its geographical position, its coastline of almost 7,000 km, and our hyper-
concentrated population in the humid Pampas, where extreme climatic phenomena -
floods and droughts- are already evident. , the impoverishment of the soil, the
rise in sea levels, the degradation of the coasts, the desertification of large
areas, the water crises in the center and NOA, the floods and droughts of the
NEA, the loss of large masses of glaciers, the appearance of diseases linked to
waves of intense heat and the impact that all this causes in health systems,
which generate economic losses of more than 1% of GDP per year.
The economy is declining and the existing funds are earmarked for extractivism
and not for the care of natural assets and the environment.
We know that the external debt, in the current environmental, social and
economic conditions of Argentina, is not payable.
The credit granted to Argentina by the International Monetary Fund, which
constitutes the origin of an ascending spiral speculation, which is reiterated
in numerous indebted developing countries and resulted in the omission of the
duty to conserve and make rational use of nature in benefit of future
generations, with the aggravating circumstance that it was a factor in the
destruction of forests, pollution and acceleration of global warming.
Investing in the protection of our ecosystems must be the priority to guarantee
the benefits of our natural assets for our people in the fight against poverty,
increase resilience in the face of natural disasters, make our external
commitments sustainable and guarantee our access to credit.
There is a possible debt renegotiation scheme on environmental grounds.
Argentina can indirectly repurchase its debt with assets denominated in local
currency, through the sponsorship of conversion programs with third parties that
have foreign currency.
The fight against climate change requires justice and equity of creditors and
There is no doubt that the world and we need to create a fundamental, radical
response towards equitable, viable social and economic development.
The Green Party of the Argentine Republic proposes a resolution for the reconversion of the foreign debt of the Argentine Republic based on a new financial and economic imperative, the Climate and Environmental Imperative, aligned with compliance with the Paris Agreement and the 2030 Agenda.
We believe that it is time to present a new negotiation proposal, regarding the payment of the debt, having as a reference the exchange of disbursements, for specific projects in the production of alternative energies and environmental sanitation. And that it is absolutely necessary to include in the technical foundations, not only those of an economic-financial nature, but at the same level of importance, the foundations of the fight against climate change and for this we need the support of the Green Parties at a global level.
Taking into account that:
Argentina and the planet is in a state of environmental and climatic emergency. The "environmental emergency" is not a metaphor, it is felt, seen and, above all, millions of people suffer it in the form of floods, droughts, fires, air pollution and water courses, which make children sick and girls and people with fewer resources. Also the lack of sewers and drinking water suffered by millions of Argentines, throughout the country, affect their health and quality of life.
Argentina has historical levels of poverty. According to the National Institute of Statistics and Censuses (Indec) INDEC in the second semester of last year, poverty was 39.2% and indigence 8.1%. These percentages imply that in Argentina there are 18,679,605 poor and 3,859,816 million indigent; This figure arises from an extrapolation of the number of urban conglomerates registered by INDEC to the entire country and allows a more precise measurement of the phenomenon of poverty in areas not covered by official statistics. Which indicates that at this moment we are over 50% of Argentines immersed in poverty, in a country that is around 10% monthly inflation.
The protection of forests, essential to face the consequences of climate change, does not have the budget assigned by law, governments successively fail to comply with environmental laws. The result is that Argentina holds the 9th position among the 234 countries that take the least care of their forests, according to the index published by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. The loss of our forests and wetlands mainly at the hands of the growing soybean production and the expansion of livestock and real estate, with record fires in the country, which consumed more than 450,000 hectares in 14 provinces and emitted 3,427,563 tons of CO2.
Our country is strongly affected by the consequences of Climate Change due to its geographical position, its coastline of almost 7,000 km, and our hyper-concentrated population in the humid Pampas, where extreme climatic phenomena -floods and droughts- are already evident. , the impoverishment of the soil, the rise in sea levels, the degradation of the coasts, the desertification of large areas, the water crises in the center and NOA, the floods and droughts of the NEA, the loss of large masses of glaciers, the appearance of diseases linked to waves of intense heat and the impact that all this causes in health systems, which generate economic losses of more than 1% of GDP per year.
The economy is declining and the existing funds are earmarked for extractivism and not for the care of natural assets and the environment.
We know that the external debt, in the current environmental, social and economic conditions of Argentina, is not payable.
The credit granted to Argentina by the International Monetary Fund, which constitutes the origin of an ascending spiral speculation, which is reiterated in numerous indebted developing countries and resulted in the omission of the duty to conserve and make rational use of nature in benefit of future generations, with the aggravating circumstance that it was a factor in the destruction of forests, pollution and acceleration of global warming.
Investing in the protection of our ecosystems must be the priority to guarantee the benefits of our natural assets for our people in the fight against poverty, increase resilience in the face of natural disasters, make our external commitments sustainable and guarantee our access to credit.
There is a possible debt renegotiation scheme on environmental grounds. Argentina can indirectly repurchase its debt with assets denominated in local currency, through the sponsorship of conversion programs with third parties that have foreign currency.
The fight against climate change requires justice and equity of creditors and debtors.
There is no doubt that the world and we need to create a fundamental, radical response towards equitable, viable social and economic development.