Changes from R3 to R3
Original version: | R3 (Version 1) |
Status: | Modified |
Submitted: | 08/04/2023, 17:00 |
New version: | R3 (Version 2) |
Status: | Published |
Submitted: | 15/06/2023, 02:22 |
Resolution text
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General Descritption: The Global Greens is the international network of Green parties and political movements.
Insert Table of Contents
A Non-Profit Organisation, Association Internationale Sans But Lucratif (AISBL)
Charter Text:
As adopted in Canberra 2001
Updated in Dakar 2012, Liverpool 2017, and Korea 2023.
The Global Greens is the international network of Green parties and Green political movements.
Table of Contents
- Ecological Wisdom
- Social Justice
- Participatory Democracy
- Nonviolence
- Sustainability
- Respect for Diversity
Political Action
- Democracy
- Equity
- Climate Change and Energy
- Biodiversity
- Governing economic globalisation by sustainability principles
- Human rights
- Food and water
- Sustainable planning
- Peace and security
- Acting globally
From line 27 to 31:
Recognising that without equality between men and women,justice for all no real democracy can be achieved
ConcernedProtecting for thehuman dignity of humanity and the value of cultural heritage
RecognisingUpholding the rights of indigenous people and their contribution to the common heritage, as well as the right of all minorities and oppressed peoples to their
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AssertAssert the need for fundamental changessystem change as well as change in people’s attitudes, values, and ways of producing and living
Declare that the new millennium provides a defining point to begin that transformation
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- balances individual interests with the common good;
• harmonises freedom with responsibility;
- harmonises freedom with responsibility;
Insert after line 54:
- Promotes the First Nations Indigenous Tribal Peoples' rights and custodianship
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- regardless of gender, race, age, religion, class, ethnic or national origin, sexual orientation, disability, wealth or health
- a just transition at all levels to ensure that no one is left behind economically and socially in the shift
towards a sustainable future
From line 143 to 146:
- strengthening the United Nations (UN) as the global organisation of conflict management and peacekeeping;
• pursuing a rigorous code of conduct on arms exports to countries where human rights are being violated.
- pursuing a rigorous code of conduct on arms exports to countries where human rights are being violated;
- a global approach to communicating on global threats and solutions with a mind for peace.
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We defend the right of all persons, without discrimination, to an environment supportive of their dignity, bodily health, and spiritual well-being.
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recognition ofupholding the rights of indigenous peoples to the basic means of their survival, both economic and cultural, including rights to land and
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- equality between
women and mengenders in all spheres of social, economic, political and cultural life;
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- 1.4 Will strive for the democratisation of gender relations by promoting appropriate mediations to
enable women and menall genders equally to take part in the economic, political, social sphere.
- 1.5 Support the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) Convention on Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials in International Business and urge non-parties to sign and ratify without further delay
- 1.5 Support the international anti-corruption commitments applicable to each
jurisdiction, and urge non-signatories to sign and ratify them without
further delay
From line 237 to 242:
- 1.11 Support the separation of powers between the executive, legislative and judicial systems, and the separation of state and religion.
- 1.12 systems, and the separation of state and religion.
- 1.
1312 Support the development and strengthening of local government.
- 1.
1413 Support the restructuring of state institutions to democratise and make them more transparent and efficient in serving the goal of citizens’
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- 1.
1514 Support improved global governance of multilateral institutions based on appropriate democratic and universal principles.
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- 2.4 Commit ourselves to the goal of making high quality primary education
universal by 2015universally financed through increased aid and debt relief.
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committed to limiting global temperature rise to no more than 1.5 degrees above pre-industrial levels. Global emissions will need to peak well before 2020 to have a chance to stay within this temperature limit.
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- 3.2 Adopt the target of limiting CO2 levels in the atmosphere to 450ppm in the shortest period possible.
- 3.2 Will adopt goals and targets agreed by scientific consensus.
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- Conventions to ensure that actions are comprehensive and worldwide. The equity principle must be at the core of climate change negotiations and measures.
- 3.6 change negotiations and measures.
- 3.
76 Oppose any expansion of nuclear power and will work to phase it out rapidly.
- 3.
87 Will support a call for a moratorium on new fossil fuel exploration and development.
- 3.
98 Will work to stop deforestation and degradation of natural forestsby 2020, noting that they are the most carbon rich ecosystems on the planet, vital to indigenous people, rich in plants and animals, and irreplaceable
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- 3.
109 Promote tree planting of diverse species but not monocultures, as a short-term measure for carbon sequestration, with other benefits for the
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- 3.
1110 Promote the levying of taxes on non-renewable energy and support the use of funds raised to promote energy efficiency and renewable energy.
- 3.
1211 Support research into the use of sustainable energy sources and the technical development of ecological power production.
- 3.
1312 Promote transfer of energy efficient technologies and green power infrastructure between and within countries and economies on a no-costs or
From line 356 to 359:
- 4.5 Support the concept of 'debt for nature' swaps, subject to the agreement of affected indigenous and local communities.
4.5 Support the concept of 'debt for nature' swaps, subject to the agreement of affected indigenous and local communities. 4.
- 4.6 Will promote the repair of degraded natural environments, and the cleanup of toxic
Insert after line 372:
- 4.11 Will support the conservation and
sustainable use of oceans, including the creation of international marine
reserves, the prevention of acidification, among other actions.
From line 484 to 485:
- fundamental human rights, or face the risk of death, torture, or other
inhuman treatmentinhumantreatment. Also call for governments to respect the rights of people displaced because of the negative effects of anthropogenic climate change, give them fair treatment and do not remove them to a third party country as part of the asylum process.
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- 8.10 Demand that corporations and communities
reduce, reuse and recycle waste,adopt circular economy
strategies, aiming for a zero waste economy which replicates a natural ecosystem.
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- 9.3 Will campaign for greater power for countries of the South
in the UN, by working to abolish the veto power in the Security Council, to remove
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This is the current text of the charter and just uploaded here to make it easier to follow the amendments. See the pdf here:
This is the final version of the Charter, including the amendments approved at the Global Greens Congress 2023 in Korea.